Dear customers, business partners, and shareholders,
Following the Annual General Meeting in Runbox Solutions for the fiscal year 2021 we here publicly review our company’s status in accordance with our commitment to transparency.
For many businesses and organizations 2021 represented another challenging year with respect to the ongoing corona pandemic, the continuing climate change, and related global economic challenges. Despite these circumstances, Runbox has continued to progress and grow our service and customer base which resulted in a financially profitable year for the company.
Through the year we made further progress on the development of the Runbox 7 app, and continued improving our services to support privacy, security, and the environment.
Service development
Software development has continued to center on the unique Runbox 7 webmail application which forms the hub of our services. During 2021 we continued to build and improve on Runbox 7, which includes search functionality running in the browser that provides immediate searching and listing of email. Runbox 7 is built on the custom database-accelerated Runbox architecture in combination with cutting-edge technologies such as WebAssembly, HTML 5 Canvas, and Progressive Web Apps to create an immediate email experience.
Through the year many enhancements have been deployed especially to Runbox 7 Mail, and the mobile version of the app also received several improvements. Further, the brand new Runbox 7 Settings was launched to replace similar areas of Runbox 6.
The development of Runbox 7 can be tracked on our Runbox 7 Roadmap in the Runbox Forum. The project is partially funded by the Research Council of Norway as a research and development (R&D) project in support of the innovative aspects of the solution, which aims to solve the growing challenges of email interfaces and bringing forth the future of email.
Environmental Engagement
As inhabitants of Earth, all our activities and by extension our businesses, organizations, and other ventures are fundamentally intertwined with the resources and processes that exist on our planet.
During 2021 this relationship became ever more clear as the long-running trends continued with growing greenhouse gas emissions and increases in extreme weather across the globe despite the temporary decline caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
All of us who utilize the planet’s resources share a responsibility to minimize our impact on our environment, and this principle forms the core of our ethical foundation. We are therefore committed to decreasing our ecological footprint and other environmental impacts that result from our business.
The Runbox email service continues to be hosted in a data center that is 100% hydro-powered, while the electricity powering our email architecture is utilized exclusively by the Runbox email service.
In 2021 we extended our commitment to having a positive ecological impact by partnering with the Norwegian tree-planting organization Trefadder, which creates and nurtures climate forests in Norway. This results in a double negative CO2 footprint from what little emissions are produced from our company’s activities.
Privacy and Security
Through 2021 we have renewed our commitment to privacy and security, and our GDPR implementation has continued to be strengthened. As a company located in Norway our service also relies on the strong Norwegian privacy protections.
All email account data processed through the Runbox email service is stored on our own physical servers in Norway on encrypted SSD storage.
Continued future growth
After a period of consolidation and repositioning in a challenging financial climate we are looking forward to continue developing and improving our services further.
Together with our development partners Shadowcat Systems and Peregrine Computer Consultants Corporation, our diverse team includes members from several countries. Their background, geographical location, and diversity combined with a solid commitment to the ethics and policies of our company forms the core of our business and our resolve to continue working to improve the email experience of email users worldwide.
We are also working with our system management partner Copyleft Solutions in order to further scale our email service infrastructure with a distributed system architecture to support the continued growth of our customer base.
The contributions from our open source community on Github help increase the security and speed of Runbox 7 development further, and we are excited to continue our quest to revolutionize email going forward.